Jun 17, 2016
A question came in regarding auto-unlock of accounts and account lockout in general. James discusses his thoughts on this process and how he approaches these types of questions.
For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us on twitter (@developsec).
Presented by Jardine Software Inc. (
Jun 10, 2016
A question came in around the need for the password confirm box on registration screens and the security implications. In this episode I respond to the question and give some insights on how to approach these types of questions from a security perspective.
For more info go to https://www.developsec.com or follow us...
Jun 3, 2016
We are too quick to just give generic recommendations for resolving security vulnerabilities. We need to make sure that the application teams understand why these are vulnerabilities and why they are important. It all starts with Why is that functionality there. James talks about the importance of understanding the...