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DevelopSec: Developing Security Awareness

Feb 24, 2017

I hear a lot of people struggling with HTTPOnly and Secure attributes on cookies. The names may be confusing to some. Change your viewpoint and it may become easier..

For more info go to or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

Presented by Jardine Software Inc. (

Feb 22, 2017

We always talk about Forgot Password... But what about Forgot Username? Listen in as James discusses why protecting this functionality is important and the ways it could be abused if not properly handled.

For more info go to or follow us on twitter (@developsec).

Presented by Jardine Software...

Feb 15, 2017

In this episode, James talks about security questions, or secret questions. We see them used in many different places. People complain they are horrible. So are they that bad that you shouldn't use them?  Is it possible to help reduce the risk with security questions?

For more info go to or...